LGM 2013: Fieldnotes



Update (April 8th): a couple of last-minute changes occurred in the program! Download a replacement page here, print it on an A4 sheet, use cissors and glue to update your book.

From 10-13 April 2013, Medialab-Prado hosts the international Libre Graphics Meeting in Madrid, Spain. The event brings together developers and designers from all over the world to work on the many different tools in the Free, Libre and Open Source toolbox.

This little book is an inofficial companion to the event: it includes the full program of the four days of conferences and workshops, as well as useful maps, and space for your personal notes and travel information. It’s a one-time pad, your personal notebook for the duration of LGM. Customise it, take notes, make drawings.

This book was entirely designed in 24 hours, between March 17-18 March 2013. It will be availabe for ordering shortly from Amazon. The source files can be forked at GitHub.

The concept is based on a project by James Bridle – see SXSW 2010: Fieldnotes for more details.

This article gives some further information on the why and how this book came into being.