In March 2015, Greyscale Press was invited to provide a workshop during the Art Book Fair Fahrenheit 39, in Ravenna, Italy. During three days, six practitioners gathered to work on experimental book productions, both print and digital. Some of the results of those work sessions: 308g, an ebook designed by Luigi Amato It’s a follow-up to
Workshop at Fahrenheit 39
a two-day workshop at Fahrenheit 39, festival of research and design in the field of publishing in Ravenna, Italy.
More photos from Critical Engineering workshop
A workshop with Julian Oliver and Danja Vasiliev. Zurich, March 2014.
Libre Type Specimens workshop à la HEAD
Un workshop autour de la typographie avec les fontes Open-Source sera donné très prochainement au sein du département Communication Visuelle de la HEAD – Haute école d’art et de design, Genève.
Papurweb series
June 27: first public presentation of the Papurweb edition, a series of four short books created by students of the Interaction class of Hervé Graumann and assistant Alan Bogana (HEAD, Geneva). The books were concieved during a 3-day workshop in May (read more). The books: Take me back – by Minhee Kim. WEB 0.0 –
HEAD workshop, the results
Image documentation from the “Obessive Notebooks” workshop, that ended May 3rd with the creation of four new books, by authors Minhee Kim, Vincent Miquel, Dimitri Petrachenko, Mounia Steimer and Sharon Tordjman. The workshop was hosted by Option Interaction, a department from HEAD – Geneva University of Art and Design, led by Hervé Graumann and assistant
Prototypage Textuel Rapide – les images
“Rapid Textual Prototyping” workshop, in collaboration with Catherine Lenoble, In the frame of the Festival “Passage des Livres” in Nantes, France, October 16th 2010. Other invited artists during that evening were french writer/performer Chloé Delaume, and filmmaker David Dufresne (@davduf), former punk and author of the web-documentary Prison Valley. Atelier de *Prototypage Textuel Rapide*, en