The Libre Type Design Debate

Following the recent ATypI conference, and triggered by Tom Phinney’s provocative article Free Fonts, Revealed and Reviled, a lively debate is happening right now on the OpenFontLibrary mailing-list. Some contributions – by Vernon Adams, Raphaël Bastide, Pablo Impallari, Eric Schrijver – are an enlightening read for anyone interested in the problematics of libre typeface design and distribution. Some highlights:

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LGRU Porto feedback

Already one month has passed since the wonderful LGRU meeting in Porto. And summer arrived, finally, sort of. I was planning a proper writeup, but of course this didn’t materialize – so instead of a long report, here is a raw list of things / links / topics / ideas / action items that may

LGRU Laptops

The LGRU (Libre Graphics Research Unit) meeting in Porto was the occasion to conduct a little survey on hardware and operating systems used by the participants. The survey results are available on dropbox (in the .odt document). Feedback: @greyscalepress like the laptop serie. Wanted to do the same at #LGM13 but thought of it too