@ManufacturaInd BTW, is there a development repo for #PropCourierSans ?
— Greyscale Press (@greyscalepress) August 22, 2012
@greyscalepress Working on this — separating the propcourier part from the libregraphicsmag repo (which is huge and makes this take ages)
— Manufactura Ind. (@ManufacturaInd) August 23, 2012
@greyscalepress we finally managed to split the #PropCourierSans repo, get it here: https://t.co/xS7VR4oK do send us a merge request!
— Manufactura Ind. (@ManufacturaInd) September 5, 2012
@greyscalepress we're trying to find the PropCourier-Medium files, do you have them available? Thanks :-)
— Manufactura Ind. (@ManufacturaInd) September 6, 2012
@ManufacturaInd just pushed them to your repo: https://t.co/o19r8aIq
— Greyscale Press (@greyscalepress) September 8, 2012
@greyscalepress thank you! We'll review and merge this tomorrow :-)
— Manufactura Ind. (@ManufacturaInd) September 9, 2012
@greyscalepress merged your changes, updated FONTLOG (we follow the mag numbering for versions) and gave you commit access. Thanks again!
— Manufactura Ind. (@ManufacturaInd) September 9, 2012