Vendredi 29 mai, 18:00, des productions Greyscale Press seront présentées à Genève à la libraire Archigraphy, à l’occasion de la sortie de l’Atlas de Bureau d’études, édité par nos amis de Zones Refuges. Adresse: Librairie Archigraphy Place de l’Ile 1, 1204 Genève Voir Zones Refuges pour plus d’informations. Ci-dessous, quelques photos des éditions qui seront présentées, y compris
Les Légions Noires
The detailed discography of The Black Legions (also known as Les Légions Noires, or abbreviated to LLN), an underground musical movement active in France in the years 1993-1997. Some of the bands and solo projects involved were Aäkon Këëtrëh, Amaka Hahina, Belkètre, Brenoritvrezorkre, Black Murder, Moëvöt, Mütiilation, Satanicum Tenebrae, Seviss, Susvourtre, Torgeist, Vèrmyapre Kommando and
Editions Greyscale Press @ ZR, Paris
Vendredi 15 mai, des productions Greyscale Press seront présentées à Paris dans l’espace ZR (Zones Refuges), parallèlement à l’expo et sortie de l’Atlas de Bureau d’études à la librairie Le monte-en-l’air. Adresse: 71 rue de Ménilmontant / 2 rue de la Mare Paris, France Voir Zones Refuges pour plus d’informations. Ci-dessous, quelques photos des éditions
BookLab at Fahrenheit 39
In March 2015, Greyscale Press was invited to provide a workshop during the Art Book Fair Fahrenheit 39, in Ravenna, Italy. During three days, six practitioners gathered to work on experimental book productions, both print and digital. Some of the results of those work sessions: 308g, an ebook designed by Luigi Amato It’s a follow-up to
Manifestos for the Internet Age
Manifestos for the Internet Age is a reader that collects manifestos of computer culture, starting with Ted Nelson (Computer Lib), through the GNU Manifesto and the Hacker Manifesto (1986), up to current influential positions such as The Cult of Done, the Cryptoparty Manifesto, the Critical Engineering Manifesto (Oliver, Savičić, Vasiliev), the 3D Additivist Manifesto (Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel Rourke),
Workshop at Fahrenheit 39
a two-day workshop at Fahrenheit 39, festival of research and design in the field of publishing in Ravenna, Italy.