Open Source Font Specimens

Project title: Open Source Font Specimens

Concept: create a collection of font specimens, for usage in print, with free/libre/open source fonts.

Since the field of open source font creation is currently booming, due to modern browsers being able to display custom fonts loaded from the web, designers are increasingly interested in using such fonts for print work as well.

This is where a book containing a good selection of font specimens would be extremely valuable.

That’s the basic idea of this project: create a little book, with print-on-demand technology, that contains a wide selection of open source font specimens.

We think that this project would be a perfect fit for a workshop-like production context, where over a couple of days, a team of designers / students / artists / typography nerds would share all the tasks involved (font selection, classification, layout, choice of public domain boilerplate text samples, etc).

Schools, institutions, design practices interested in partnering with Greyscale Press for this project are welcome to get in touch.

A project workspace has already been opened on GitHub:

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