An upcoming publication on networked art, designed by the OSP team.
Booksprint on libre VJ tools
Our editor-in-chief participates in a FLOSS Manuals book-sprint on VJ tools.
HEAD workshop, the results
Image documentation from the “Obessive Notebooks” workshop, that ended May 3rd with the creation of four new books, by authors Minhee Kim, Vincent Miquel, Dimitri Petrachenko, Mounia Steimer and Sharon Tordjman. The workshop was hosted by Option Interaction, a department from HEAD – Geneva University of Art and Design, led by Hervé Graumann and assistant
I Love Cats.
papurweb #3 digitalpetra was born in 1988 in Ukraine and arrived in Switzerland in 1997; with an early fascination for art and entertainment areas. After his degree in public relations in 2011 he gets strongly involved in projects linked to friends of his. Since 2011 he studies electronic and interactive arts at HEAD Geneva. Currently
WEB 0.0
papurweb #1 Vincent Miquel was born in 1989 and comes from the south of France. At an early age, he became interested in all forms of creation. At 10, he practices classic and contemporary dance as an amateur and then higher level. In parallel, he plays drums. Growing up, while continuing his scientific studies, he
Astronomy & Space FAQ
papurweb #2 2012, Sharon s’épanouit dans le domaine des Arts Numériques à la Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design de Genève. Et c’est tout ce que vous avez besoin de savoir. This book is part of the collection papurweb, created during a workshop at Option Interaction, University of Arts and Design, Geneva.
Take me back
papurweb #4 Born 1986 in Seoul in South Korea, Minhee Kim is interested in the various means of visualization of sound and in interactive art. In 2008, after studies of composition in classical music at KOOKMIN University of Seoul, Minhee leaves for Europe to widen her knowledge in the field of the visual arts. At
HEAD Workshop, first 2 days
First images from the Greyscale Press workshop that started this week at Option Interaction, HEAD, Geneva.
Another Library of Babel
Encounter between two spam-books by Alphascript / Betascript and writer Jorge Luis Borges.
Workshop @ Option Interaction (HEAD)
Sur l’invitation de Hervé Graumann et Alan Bogana, une première itération du workshop “Obsessive Notebooks” sera donnée entre le 25 avril et le 3 mai 2012 à la Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design, Genève, avec les étudiants de l’Option Interaction (prof. responsable: Hervé Graumann). Plus d’informations suivront. Crédits: image originale par Dvortygirl (CC-BY-SA 2.0).